24 May 2021

Politics vs Policies (Part 1/10)


Albert Einstein has rightly said “A empty stomach is not a good political advisor “ and on the other hand Franklin D. Roosevelt quote “ In Politics nothing happens by accident, if it happens, you can bet it was planned that way” . these quotes had left a immense impulse in our mind.

The history of politics is not new but it had been started with the development of living things mostly in animal kingdom (but you can see the struggle of power among the plant species also). A famous Dutch primatologist and ethologist Frans De Wall argued that Chimpanzees (ancestors of modern human/Homosapeins) engaged in politics through manipulation social order, collecting foods, shelters and for physical relation. After this, early human i.e. Homosapeins engaged in hunting, living in caves, making a somehow social bands indicates that the evolution of political system started according their needs and made policies according to their abilities. By the study of hundred caves and painting built/portrate by early human indicated towards the stateless and decentralized group. Gradually , after time being ,brain of humans developed and modern innovation entered into their daily life style which led to gave birth of new order of politics and compel them to shaped new policies according to their need and period. They came out from caves and settled into the hut made by their own group/individual.